lundi 6 juin 2011

Amanitas Muscaria trip report: Mad Science

Date: Oct.10, 2010

Place: Montreal, Canada

Setting: alone at my small and cozy place, back after a night of hard partying.

I came back home that morning at around 8:00-8:30 AM, and soon after stepping in I filtered the Amanitas tea that standed all night while I was out. I had 30g of shrooms in 3 cups of water, then added lemon juice and honey and started to drink the tea while relaxing and listening to some dubstep, body beaten up and calm deep down inside.

I smoked a joint and soon after I could recognize the signs of the mushrooms kicking in, cold shivers, dizziness, drowsiness, etc., so I quickly undressed and went to bed. The effects were stronger than last time, I felt as if I had a raging cold and was so tired and sore. I felt super heavy and my body sank in the mattress I was lying on, falling into black emptiness for what seemed to be eternity. I emerged into one of those plasma balls and there were a few mad scientists, all looking a bit like Dr Quantum, doing some experiments with physical principles allowing our universe and life to exist, heat, eletricity, pressure, gravity, etc. They seemed to have so much fun! I looked at them for a bit in silence, then out of wonder I said out loud:

"Wow, what's going on here is truly awesome!"

They turned around to look at me and walked in my direction, smiling, looking and feeling friendly. One of them chatted with me for a bit then he asked me to lean my arms forward and join my hands, which I did. He took my hands in his for a short moment then asked me to spread my hands apart, which I did too, and had the surprise to see a foot-large atom spinning in between my hands, floating in the air and spinning in motion with my hands. I had fun with it for a bit, observing its reactions to my movements in deep fascination then looked back at the mad scientist, intrigued. Without me saying a word, he got me and said:

"You have all the power of the Universe in your hands. Use it wisely."

I nodded in agreement then kept playing with my atom before going into this comatose transe typical to amanitas, where there's no dreams, no sound and no color. All there is to be found is black emptiness, eternal darkness, everything stands still forever. One stays in this dimension until the mushrooms lose their grasp and they allow the eater to emerge back from the black void, which I did after about 8 hours after having the tea.

This experience was rewarding and enlighting, making me aware of my own power and the influence I have on my environment and people I deal with on a daily basis. Once again the body buzz was pretty unpleasant, feeling somewhat intoxicated, but it was totally worth it.

2 commentaires:

  1. Wow what a description of your experience. I have a nice batch of shroomies to enjoy today and came across your entry. Happy tripping.

  2. Happy tripping! :) I hope you enjoyed your experience.
