mardi 10 mai 2011

Amanitas Muscaria trip report: The Dolphin and The Shark

Date: Oct. 2, 2010

Place: Montreal.

Setting: my brand new apartment, small and cozy bachelor with a private balcony, space to relax but also lots of yet undone boxes.

I was home alone and made an infusion with 15g of mushrooms in about 500ml of warm water (around 70 C, not to destroy the precious muscarine), let stand for one hour before filtering and adding lemon juice and honey to improve the taste and prevent nausea. I drank the tea in about 30 mins and the effects started to onset a bit after the tea was over. I felt somewhat dizzy, euphoric, had some motricity trouble, the colors and sounds were more pleasurable and got hungry big time, so I had some room temperature pizza which tasted SO good. At this point I was having closed-eyes hallucinations and decided that smoking a joint was a good idea, so I did.

After the joint, I felt really dizzy, cold and shaky so I undressed and went under the blankets to warm up. With closed eyes, I could see vivid and colorful kaleidoscopic images. It was nothing precise, just abstract images switching over and over at the pace of the music. I then fell into this black void, it looked like a tunnel but everything was black. I can't tell if I collapsed or fell asleep at that point, but the hallucinations kept going even though.

When I came out of the tunnel I could see fishes, alive, dead, all species, floating all around me and swimming into the unknown. I was in the sea, swimming not too far from the beach. A dolphin came to me and brang me at large, and I could see flashes of my future along the way. Once we were super far from the shore, the dolphin left and I was all by myself in the middle of the sea. I quickly saw a shark coming over, rushing in my direction. I started swimming in the opposite direction in this state of pure panic when I heard the dolphin telling me telepatically:

Wait and see what the shark wants.

I suddently calmed down and standed still while I was facing the shark. None of us moved for a moment as we were staring at each other, then the shark moved forward to leave. He didn't mean it but he swimmed so close to me I got stuck in his current and flipped over, spinning over myself uncontrollably. I accidently touched the shark and he quickly turned around to face me, jaws open, but by doing so he morphed into a skeleton. I stared at it for a bit, being utterly fascinated and impressed by both the imposant size of the jaws (they were huge!) and the tranquil beauty of this bone structure standing still in the water in front of me.

The dolphin showed up again and brang me back on the beach. On our way back, I could see more alive and dead fishes swimming around us in the crystal clear water. I fell into the same black void again and when I emerged was surrounded by fractals into a place where time, space and physical limitations didn't exist. I was surrounded by concepts, thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and they seemed to be alive and powerful though possessing a rather etheric energy. I could play with them, influence them, combine them to create new realities. I had so much fun!

The rest of my trip after that is rather blury, I was highly intoxicated by the mushrooms and fell into this comatose transe until I woke up, about 9 hours after drinking the tea. It was totally worth it, even considering the unpleasant body effects. I used to have a phobia of sharks before this experience, I couldn't even stand to see one in picture without feeling panicky, but it seems to be gone since then.

I definetely recommend it, it's awesome for shamanic journeys and lucid dreaming. It's not super powerful though, psilocybine-containing mushrooms are way more potent and easier on the body.

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